大塚 健 作品展
2021/2/19-2/25   11:00 – 19:00(最終日は18:00まで)
作家在廊日  2/19,20,21,25


I work on my pieces thinking that any silhouettes put together could be attractive.
Just about anything can be enjoyable and acceptable if it can be seen as attractive. I’d like to explore the possibility of living and creating under that premise.
Currently, my approach involves silhouettes of things that exist casually in daily life, separate from sophisticated beauty.
I use shapes that happen to be created in people’s daily lives.
A plastic bag casually placed on a desk, a down jacket thrown on the floor, ingredients being cooked.
When I drew using those silhouettes, I sensed the shapes of natural objects.
It reminded me of primitive shapes like fragments of rock and wood, microbes, animals, plants, and so on.
I felt that humans are also creating natural objects.